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NEPA High School Soccer 2021

What’s New This Year

Player of the Week…

For the past couple years, our “NEPA High School Soccer” awards at the end of the season were a huge hit. Coaches, parents, players, and fans participated in them by voting for who they thought deserved each separate award. So what is different about this? Every Sunday, we will choose a player in each league (boys and girls) who will win “Player of the Week.”

This is no different than what the local newspapers do, and we hope this will further improve our page in the public eye, while positively highlighting different players from around the area. If possible, we would also like to include a small article that includes an interview with that player.

NEPA High School Soccer’s Starting XI…

Similar to when the coaches pick all-stars at the end of the season… we too will make selections. “XI” translates to 11, which is the number of players on the field during a match. There will be picks for the Wyoming Valley Conference, and Lackawanna League (both boysand girls).

The teams will consist of one goalkeeper per league, 3/4 defenders, then a mix of midfielders and forwards depending on who is picked based on their seasonal performance. This will be released at the end of the season.


Updated standings for both the Wyoming Valley Conference and Lackawanna League will be kept on our website.

Updated Graphics…

Whether it be posting the daily schedule, advertising a final score, or highlighting the game of the day, we want our page to look the best while publishing a post! After doing some research to try and find the best website to fulfill these needs, I finally came across the right one! This will give my page a better look, while also giving the teams in our area a better look publicly.

What Will Be Continued This Season


Perhaps the biggest hit on our page this past season, was the statistics section on our website. The website was absolutely booming with thousands of viewers, and it was just quite amazing. Every soccer addict in the area has checked our stat section out at least once this past year. From goals and assists, to goalkeeper saves and clean sheets… it will be back for 2021! Also a big thanks to the coaches, parents, and fans who make it possible!

Weekly Power Rankings…

Each Sunday morning/afternoon, we release our weekly power rankings for each league respectively. The rankings are based on overall record, weekly performance, and strength of opponent. Although controversial at times, this will be a regular for our 3rd year as a media page.

NEPA High School Soccer Awards…

As we have been doing since the start of our page, the end of the year awards will continue at the conclusion of the 2021 season. However, they will be done differently compared to those of last year. The public voting will stay the same at 80%, but it’s the selection process that will be changed.

Last year, we nominated quite a few players at each position, trying to include as many schools as possible. This season, there will only be 4-5 chosen for each position.

Daily Scores…

Just like last year, we have a link pinned to the top of our Facebook & Twitter page where scores can be reported. Along with the score, there is a section for goals, assists, and goalkeeper saves. This is the best way to relay scores to the public as quickly as possible.

Team Projections

Before the start of the season, we will highlight each team on a different day, and also include several key players that can have an impact during the year.

What NOT To Expect in 2021

Preseason Player Profiles…

Honestly I don’t really believe they were as popular as I thought they would be last year, so that will be something not returning to our page this year. We might end up doing a couple here and there, just not the amount compared to last year. So stay tuned!

Preseason Power Rankings…

The sport of soccer is probably the hardest sport to predict. You don’t know what team will win or lose on any given day. You don’t know how a team will rebound after losing a couple of key seniors. The moral of the story is that it is incredibly unpredictable. Some teams we nailed in the preseason power rankings, and others we were way off. This will be another fan favorite feature that I will not be bringing back for 2021.

If there is something you would like to see different this year, feel free to leave a comment or message one of our social media pages. You can also contact us at

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