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Why Has NEPA High School Soccer Added A Monthly Subscription To Their Website?

Many have asked the question stated above. Some understand, and some do not. Whether or not you like it, for the entirety of the 2023 season this is how it will be. Let's take a deeper dive…

In order to have an actual website that functions the correct way, the owner needs to have a monthly subscription for 12 months out of the year (that's me). Yes you read that right, all 12 months I pay a subscription to keep the website up and running… even if the soccer season is only 2 months out of the year. Now, is it worth losing money over it yearly? Probably not.

Just like the newspaper companies in our area, such as the Citiznes Voice, Scranton Times Tribune, etc, you need a monthly subscription to view anything & everything on their websites. This is no different.

Bottom line is, you don't have to buy a subscription if you don't want to. Nobody is forcing anyone's hand into doing so. We will still be posting scores, players of the week, etc, on our page free of charge. The decision is yours, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

I would like to wish all players & coaches the best of luck this season! And hope to catch everyone at a game!

With any questions, please contact our social media pages.

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1 comentário

Ian Robson
Ian Robson
07 de ago. de 2023

No issues with the payroll as long as the content is good.

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